maanantai 23. tammikuuta 2017

The stories tell by album - Albumi kertoo tarinoita!

Art Journal Journey ask to tell a story. I think that the album of family images will tell "no stories like stories of family images. I made a cover of my album using different kind materials.

Art Journal Journey pyysi kertomaan tarinan. Minusta mikään ei kerro tarinoita niinkuin perhealbumin kuvat. Oman albumini kannen tein uusiksi sekatekniikalla.

Little bit details to see.

4 kommenttia:

  1. What a fantastic album! Thanks for joining us at AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely album cover, the rich colours and lace detail are beautiful! Have a great week! J :-)

  3. That is a great cover. I love the colors, but even more the texture. Now not only do you have a cool cover-but it is very personalized too. Thanks for joining in-Hugs-Erika

  4. A great album cover! Fab to meet you at Art Journal Journey - hoping to see you soon again there!
    oxo Susi


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